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How can we do Seasonal Price Analysis on the Stocks in a Sector? (19 Mar 2025)

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  • 19Mar 2025 (Wed)13:00 - 13:45
    How can we do Seasonal Price Analysis on the Stocks in a Sector? (19 Mar 2025)
    • Mr Danny W. C. Chan (Practitioner in Financial Risk Management, IT and Data Science)

    Mr Danny W. C. Chan

    Mr. Chan, FRM, has possessed rich experience in financial risk management, information technology and data science and worked as IT Manager over a decade. Being a practitioner in information technology, he is currently a consultant and trainer at Big Data Consultancy Services Company. Also, he is strong in Cloud-based solutions, Big Data Technology, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Moreover, Mr. Chan has obtained a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as three Master Degrees in Risk Management Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Quantitative Analysis for Business from City University of Hong Kong and Industrial Logistics Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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