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Holistic wellness focuses on the maintenance of the people’s optimal body health and spiritual balance through utilizing combinations of traditionally accepted concepts and spiritual health philosophies. Apart from relying on the use of the traditional Western and Chinese medicine, modern people now pay more attention to complementary ways in fostering body, spiritual and environmental health especially in helping them to recover from losses, failures, tragedies and psychological disorders. These complementary ways include the Tao of Incense, traditional Fengshui and Bazi applications, Zen and Buddhist counselling, aromatherapy etc.
This unique programme provides advanced knowledge of the contribution of physical activity and intergrative approaches to wellness. It also aims to enhance students understanding of business management skills related to the wellness industry with a focus on the design of relevant and feasible wellness programmes. It is suitable for fitness instructors, personal trainers, exercise and wellness leaders, corporate human resources personnel, community organisation programme directors and other front-line health and fitness professionals seeking to further their knowledge of this area through higher level academic studies.
The 18-month programme is designed as a professional training of counsellors who specialize in Buddhist Counselling. It is a pioneering programme with vision and practicality that signifies the birth of a recognized profession of Buddhist Counsellors who have reached professional competence in the provision of individual and group counselling services, counselling visits, Buddhist homiletics, and meditation guidance in hospitals, homes for the aged, and other community settings.
Start To be advised
Duration 18 months
Fee The fee is generously sponsored by Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs Simon K Y Lee)
This programme introduces students to the basic topics in forensic anthropology and allows them to apply the knowledge to real-life cases, understand how people’s social conditions and physical bodies interact with each other from the health and medicine perspectives, and have a well-rounded experience on how to be a forensic anthropologist.
The aims of this course are to, through learning about the Zen approach in helping, demonstrate how professional helpers, for examples, doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, teachers and other related professionals can develop a genuine compassion for and harmonious understanding of individuals they intend to help. A Zen perspective introduces us to an unconventional yet pragmatic new approach of helping, which is only possible by concentrating and living in the here and now- the essence of meditation.