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Feedback from students is highly valued and plays an important role in monitoring, improving and enhancing the quality of the programmes and services offered by the School, so we hope that students will fulfil their responsibility to provide honest and unbiased feedback.

If students would like to convey immediate feedback about our programmes or services, the first point of contact should be the Programme Leader of the respective programme.

For award-bearing programmes, HKU SPACE sends email invitations to all students to provide anonymous feedback about courses and teachers near the end of each course, using the Learning Experience Survey (LES); and about support services once a year, using the Survey on Support Services (SSS).
(Student Surveys) Graduating students of full-time sub-degree programmes are invited to provide anonymous feedback in the Programme Learning Outcomes Survey (PLOS).

There are other formal mechanisms for students to channel their feedback to the School, including student representation in Academic Committees and the programme review process.

Students are also welcome to complete the Online Feedback Form for Students, which will be handled by relevant staff, and a reply will be made as soon as possible. All cases are handled in strict confidence and will not affect students’ assessment results in any way.