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Senior Executive Diploma in Political Leadership

Jointly Organized by
Path of Democracy
Course Code
Application Code
Study mode
Start Date
To be advised
about 10 months
English, supplemented with Cantonese
Course Fee
Course Fee : HK$32,800 per programme (excluding field trip expenses)

Scholarship for applicants who meet the criteria* and approved by Path of Democracy Sponsorship Committee may receive half-tuition scholarships

*(1) who have obtained their first degree within the last 5 years; or
*(2) who have special financial needs.
Deadline on 16 Sep 2024 (Mon)
3762 0868
2571 0630
How to Apply

This programme has been well received by students. In their learning experience survey their comments are highly encouraging: Very high quality: (1) prominent guest speakers, every of them is among the top experts in their field; (2) very well structured program, covered almost all essential areas of political areas. Best quality of lecturers, the course length is perfectly alright! The 4 modules well covered the areas that I would like to learn. The course provided sufficient time for exchange the ideas among the students and with the lecturers. Able to learn from valuable lecturers and meet great peers. Teaching not only theories, but also sharing actual cases!

Please ENROLL the new cohort NOW!


In order to improve the quality of governance in Hong Kong, it is important to first improve the quality of the politicians. This executive programme is a specialized course commissioned by the Path of Democracy, which aims to train and develop young political leaders to meet the needs and unique political situation in Hong Kong.
As part and parcel of the mission of the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy (HKAPP) set up by the Path of Democracy, this Senior Executive Diploma in Political Leadership programme seeks to develop future political leaders who can create new paths for Hong Kong and serve its citizens with an open mind, regardless of their political affiliation or position within organisations.

Programme Details

The programme objectives are twofold: imparting the knowledge of politics into the psyche of participants and training them to be equipped with the necessary skills of political analysis, policy study, public speaking and electoral campaign.
The programme will be taught by distinguished academics and seasoned professional experts with diverse backgrounds in relevant fields. It will be intensive, interactive and insightful, including lectures, seminar discussions, class debates, network seminars, individual and group presentations, policy projects and field visits. Participants will have ample opportunities to engage and interact with the academics, politicians, policy experts, media specialists and campaign strategists and hence learn from their wealth of expertise and deep knowledge through the four modules. The programme will integrate conceptual and practical issues with pragmatic considerations so that political leadership will be nurtured for the participants.
Application Code 2245-EP099A -

Days / Time
  • Thursday, 6:45pm - 9:45pm
  • Saturday, 9:00am - 1:00pm
  • Remarks on Days/Time: Class(es) might be scheduled on other weekday evenings and/or afternoons of Saturdays and Sundays in some special occasions.


This executive programme comprises four modules that are structured into four closely integrated core components:
Module 1Governance and Politics of Hong Kong (18 sessions)
This module aims to introduce the basic concepts and theories of political science that are applicable to the governance and politics of Hong Kong. It will lay a solid foundation for all the participants in the programme. There are four interrelated themes in this module: (1) Fundamental concepts and theories of politics; (2) Political institutions; (3) Political actors; and (4) Political relations. The module begins with a review of the basic principles, concepts, theories and various perspectives of politics, covering the definition of politics, the functions of political system, the types of regimes, the executive, the legislature, the judiciary, interest groups, civil service, bureaucratic politics, political parties, public opinion, mass media, public policy making, public policy implementation, central-local relations, local government and autonomy, constitutions and legal system, and foreign relations. The Hong Kong SAR and the Mainland China will be used extensively as practical examples to illustrate and highlight all these topics for relevant discussion.
Module 2: Economy and Society of Hong Kong  (20 sessions)

This module aims to build up networking abilities and practical concepts of the participants as well as actual participation in dialogues with various political stakeholders in Hong Kong and if possible, elsewhere. A wide range of selected political problems and public policy issues that are related to the four inter-related themes delivered in Module 1 will be covered that help build up specific policy understanding, skills and applications.

Module 3: Public Affairs Engagement & Campaign Skills (4 sessions)
This module aim to equip the participants with a set of vital techniques and necessary skills that are directly applicable to their public affairs engagement. These include research methodology and skills in political studies, writing up speeches, public speaking, skillful address of questions from the media, lobbying the government and political stakeholders, campaign management and strategies, ethics and legal issues in campaigns, and conducting election campaigns through both social media and face-to-face interactions with voters. Practitioners in the field will be invited to share their experiences with the participants, who will be required to give individual presentations.
Module 4Policy Projects 
This module aims to provide opportunities for the participants to apply what they have learnt from the other three modules to review and examine various critical/complex issues and challenges in politics, policy making and governance of the Hong Kong SAR. It provides the training of policy research and analysis skills, which will be essential in the development of political leadership.  Guided by the project supervisors, the participants will be organized into eight Policy Project Teams (4-5 members each). Each team will have to choose a well-defined policy issue/topic for their collective group project and produce a Policy Project Report by the end of the programme. Each project team has to present its policy project to the entire class, including class debate in the policy project sessions. Selected Policy Project Teams may have the opportunity to present their project findings to invited government policy secretaries concerned (if possible). All these teams’ presentations/debates will be assessed by the project supervisors and/or invited specialists in the field.


Course Fee
  • Course Fee : HK$32,800 per programme (excluding field trip expenses)

    Scholarship for applicants who meet the criteria* and approved by Path of Democracy Sponsorship Committee may receive half-tuition scholarships

    *(1) who have obtained their first degree within the last 5 years; or
    *(2) who have special financial needs.

Entry Requirements

Applicants shall:
  • hold a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university or equivalent; or
  • be mature students holding recognized professional qualifications.
Applicants with other qualifications and substantial senior level work experience will be considered on individual merit. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview during the admission process. Interview invitations will be sent to the email address provided in the application.

English will generally be the medium of instruction, supplemented with Cantonese when necessary. Applicants are expected to be proficient and expressive in English.



Application Form Application Form

Enrolment Method
Applicants are required to complete and return the application form together with the relevant supportive documents in person to any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres on/before the application deadline.
Required supportive documents (certified true copies*) include:
  1.  Academic certificates and transcripts;
  2. Professional certificates (if any); 
  3. HKID card or Passport;
  4. 500-word personal statement (outlining your education, training and work experience and saying how you think will benefit from the programme) and
  5. a crossed cheque made payable to "Path of Democracy Limited" (the cheque will be cashed in ONLY when the application is successful).

*Certified true copies:  Applicants will be required to present the original certificates and transcripts at the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres for verification.

Payment Method
Applicants are required to pay the course fee of HK$32,800.00  by crossed cheque made payable to "Path of Democracy Limited".  Please write the applicant's name, course code and HKID No. on the back of the cheque and attach it to the completed application form in the submission of your application.  The cheque will be cashed in ONLY when the application is successful.