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Languages English


Certificate in General English (Introductory)

CEF Reimbursable Course

CEF Reimbursable Course

Course Code
Application Code
2250-1693AW... more Application Code

Study mode
Start Date
21 Oct 2024 (Mon)
Next intake(s)
Mar 2025
30 weeks
Course Fee
Deadline on 09 Oct 2024 (Wed)
3762 0930
2508 6403
How to Apply


The programme provides students with practice in introductory English usage and skills-building through student-centred and graded learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic English texts. Upon successful completion of the programme, students are expected to speak and write at an introductory level and be confident when communicating in English.

This 30-credit programme comprises one single module with 90-hour face-to-face lecture hours and a compulsory 30-hour e-learning component.   Students should spend additional time and efforts completing the assigned E-learning activities.  

Upon successful completion of the Programme, students are expected to speak and write at an introductory level and be more confident when communicating in English. Students should be able to: 

  1. use grammar rules and patterns of use with confidence; 
  2. use appropriate vocabulary and common phrases in slightly complex communication;  
  3. practise reading, listening comprehension and writing techniques; and 
  4. express views and ideas on slightly complex topics. 
E-Learning Activities

In addition to face-to-face class lessons, students should take part in e-learning activities as self-study engagement.  These e-learning activities are available on HKU SPACE Online Universal Learning (SOUL2.0) platform which include supplementary online tasks related to course book content (grammar and vocab quizzes, listening comprehension, etc). This helps lay a good language foundation.


Course participants' progress are measured through a number of assessment components including:

  • Class Participation and E-learning activities
  • In-class Assignments (Writing)
  • Language Knowledge Tests (Grammar and Vocabulary)
  • Oral Test  

Students who successfully pass* the programme are eligible to the Certificate in General English (Introductory) awarded under the HKU System through HKU SPACE.

*By passing the programme, students have to meet the following:

  • Attendance requirement:  fulfil 70% of the total 90 face-to-face lecture hours; and
  • Performance requirement: complete and attain 50% in all assessment components.

The above programme, syllabus and assessments are prepared by the HKU SPACE English Language Programme Team.

Progression Path

After successful completion of the Certificate in General English (Introductory) programme, course participants may progress to the Certificate in General English (Intermediate) or the  Certificate in English Language Skills (Intermediate) programme.

The HKU SPACE General English Programme consists of seven-tier general English courses with each of the tiers becoming progressively more difficult:

Certificate in General English (Foundation)  

Certificate in General English (Introductory)   or 
Certificate in English Language Skills (Introductory)  

Certificate in General English (Intermediate)   or 
Certificate in English Language Skills (Intermediate)  

Certificate in General English (Upper Intermediate)  

Certificate in General English (Advanced)  

Diploma in General English  

Advanced Diploma in General English  

For more comprehensive information about HKU SPACE English services, please visit:

Programme Details

90 hours (30 meetings x 3 hours each; once per week)

Application Code


(Application Deadline)

 Day / Time   Venue

21 Oct 2024

(9 Oct 2024)


7:00 - 10:00pm

Kowloon East Campus,

Kowloon Bay


23 Oct 2024

(11 Oct 2024)


6:45 - 9:45pm

HPSHCC Campus,

Causeway Bay


26 Oct 2024

(15 Oct 2024)


10:00 am - 1:00pm

Kowloon West Campus,

Lai Chi Kok


25 Oct 2024

(14 Oct 2024)


6:45 - 9:45pm

Fortress Tower Learning Centre, North Point


24 Oct 2024

(12 Oct 2024)


6:45 - 9:45pm

Island East Campus, North Point

Teaching & Teaching Venue

There is no guarantee that the teaching venue allocated for the entire course duration will be the same*. Depending on room availability, teaching venues may be different from those advertised.

* (1) Students with classes in United Christian College, Kowloon, should note that, in the case of closure of United Christian College, the lessons thus affected will be transferred to other centres available at the time of booking.

  (2) Due to unexpected circumstances, the need arise and approval sought from respective authorities, virtual classes may be conducted to replace the normal face-to-face teaching-learning.

Teaching Staff

Instructors of the course are drawn from our panel of qualified and experienced English language teachers. Some of them are native speakers;others are local teachers with native speaker competence.

Applicants should note:
  • Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
  • Unless changes are made to the advertised details, we do not usually issue joining instructions. If your application has been accepted, you should go to the first session of the class at the time and place shown.
  • No refunds or transfers to a different class will be approved.
Application Code 2250-1689AW -
Start Date 21 Oct 2024 (Mon)
Application Code 2250-1690AW -
Start Date 23 Oct 2024 (Wed)
Application Code 2250-1693AW -
Start Date 26 Oct 2024 (Sat)
Application Code 2250-1694AW -
Start Date 25 Oct 2024 (Fri)
Application Code 2250-2476AW -
Start Date 24 Oct 2024 (Thu)

  • 30 meeting(s)
  • 3 hours per meeting

Progression Path


Course Fee
  • Course Fee : HK$6,700
  • Early Bird Rate : HK$6,500 (Application received on or before 21 September 2024)

Entry Requirements

Applicants shall:

  • have completed the Certificate in General English (Foundation) awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or
  • have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 in English Language; or
  • have gained in the HKCEE Grade E (Syllabus B) or Grade C (Syllabus A) in English Language prior to 2007 or Level 2 in English Language from 2007.

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements or are unable to produce documentary proof(s) need to take the  General English Entrance Examination.

A non-refundable fee of $210 is required for taking this test. Applicants for the test should fill out the special application form for the General English Entrance Examination  to take the exam (90 minutes) on a date that suits them. We will send out letters offering places after the exam sessions in good time to allow applicants ample time for course enrolment. Applicants who take an early exam will have a better chance of getting a place at a centre and time of their choice. Applicants who take a later exam will have a limited choice of classes.

There is no guarantee that everyone who takes the  General English Entrance Examination will be offered a place in any of the tiers of the HKU SPACE English Course. 


  • The CEF Institution Code of HKU SPACE is 100
CEF Courses
Certificate in General English (Introductory)
COURSE CODE 38C148009 FEES $6,700 (regular) or $6,500 (for early enrolment) ENQUIRY 2975-5741

Continuing Education Fund

The Certificate in General English (Introductory) programme is registered with the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (OCEF) as a CEF reimbursable course.

For details, visit their address at

Continuing Education Fund Continuing Education Fund
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

Certificate in General English (Introductory)

  • This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [2])


Application Form Download Application Form

Enrolment Method
By Post / In Person

Applicants are required to complete the Application for Enrolment Form SF26.  Either take or post the completed form, along with the appropriate course fee and supporting documents, to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres.

Payment Method
1.   Cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay

Course fees can be paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres.

2.   Cheque or Bank Draft

Course fees can also be paid by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “HKU SPACE”. Please specify the programme title(s) for application and applicant’s name. You may either:

  • bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate course or application fees in the form of a cheque, and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres;
  • or mail the above documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, specifying “Course Application” on the envelope. HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of payment sent by mail.
3.   VISA/MasterCard

Applicants may also pay the course fee by VISA or MasterCard, including the “HKU SPACE MasterCard”, at any HKU SPACE enrolment centres. Holders of the HKU SPACE MasterCard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000; however, the course applicant must also be the cardholder himself/herself. For enquiries, please contact our staff at any enrolment centres.


  • For general and short courses, applicants may be required to pay the course fee in cash or by EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, Visa or MasterCard if the course is to start shortly.
  • Fees paid are not refundable except under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment), subject to the School’s discretion.  In exceptional cases where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, cheque or PPS (for online payment only) will normally be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will normally be reimbursed to the payment cardholder’s credit card account.
  • In addition to the published fees, there may be additional costs associated with individual programmes. Please refer to the relevant course brochures or direct any enquiries to the relevant programme team for details.
  • Fees and places on courses cannot be transferred from one applicant to another. Once accepted onto a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on approved transfers.
  • Receipts will be issued for fees paid but HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of receipt sent by mail.
  • For payment certification, please submit a completed form, a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to “HKU SPACE” to any of our enrolment centres.
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  2. The School (and its respective employees and subsidiaries) is not liable for any loss or damage in connection with any online payments made by you by reason of (i) any failure, delay, interruption, suspension or restriction of the transmission of any information or message from any payment gateways of the relevant banks and/or third party merchants for processing credit/debit/smart card or other payment facilitation mechanism; (ii) any negligence, mistake, error in or omission from any information or message transmitted from the said payment gateways; (iii) any breakdown, malfunction or failure of those gateways in effecting online payment service; or (iv) anything arisen out of or in connection with the said payment gateways, including but not limited to unauthorised access to or alternation of the transmission of data or any unlawful act not permitted by the law.