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Architecture, Environment & Housing Construction, Safety & Built Environment

Certificate for Module (HKIS Training Course on Heritage Conservation for Building Surveyor)
證書(單元:香港測量師學會建築測量師訓練課程 - 歷史建築保育)

CEF Reimbursable Course

CEF Reimbursable Course

Course Code
Application Code

Study mode
Start Date
27 Sep 2025 (Sat)
48 hours
Course Fee
Deadline on 04 Sep 2025 (Thu)
2508 8816
2508 6403
Apply Now


The programme aims to equip students with knowledge and skills relating to heritage conservation of buildings in Hong Kong. It also equips them with the abilities necessary for developing heritage conservation plans and proposals, and project management of heritage conservation projects. 

Programme Details

Intended Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

1.  explain the building development history and architectural history of heritage buildings in Hong Kong;

2.  identify common materials and techniques of heritage conservation;

3.  suggest conservation treatments for heritage conservation plans;

4.  develop heritage conservation plans and proposals, and develop impact assessment for heritage conservation projects;

5.  develop project management skills of revitalization projects.




  • Building Development in Hong Kong
    • Building development in the past and the development plans in the coming years in Hong Kong
  • Charters and Legislation of Conservation
    • Law and regulations
  • Historic and Cultural Studies of Historic Buildings with example cases
    • Case studies of historical buildings
  • Materials and Techniques of Conservation
    • Common materials used in historic buildings, common defects, diagnosis and remedial measures
  • Conservation studies of heritage buildings
    • Identify and record significant elements, preparation of conservation plans or conservation proposals and heritage impact assessment for building works
  • Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings with experience sharing in some cases
    • Explores the practice from case study to project finalization stage of adaptive re-use projects
  • Conservation Treatment
    • Roof tiles laying, plastering (shanghai plaster), gold gilding.
  • Adaptive re-use project,
    • visit adaptive re-use project, heritage trial to understand the culture of a village

Assessment and Award

One individual written assignment (2,500 words).  Students are required to analyse a case study of a historical building and develop a conservation plan.

A "Certificate for Module (HKIS Training Course on Heritage Conservation for Building Surveyor)" will be awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE to students who have satisfied the following criteria:

  • achieve at least 70% attendance of the programme; and
  • pass the assignment
Application Code 2345-HB047A Apply Online Now
Apply Online Now

Professional Accreditation

The programme is considered by the Building Surveying Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) as a formal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) event.  Upon completion of the programme, students can apply for a maximum of 15 CPD hours from HKIS.


Application Fee

HK$200 Application Fee: HK$200

Course Fee
  • Course Fee : HK$16,800

Entry Requirements

Applicants shall :

(a) hold a bachelor’s degree in building surveying or equivalent discipline awarded by a recognised university; and

(b) be a probationer, Member or Fellow of the Building Surveying Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Surveyors.


  • The CEF Institution Code of HKU SPACE is 100
CEF Courses
Certificate for Module (HKIS Training Course on Heritage Conservation for Building Surveyor)
證書(單元:香港測量師學會建築測量師訓練課程 - 歷史建築保育)
COURSE CODE 31C156924 FEES $16,800 ENQUIRY 2508-8816
Continuing Education Fund Continuing Education Fund
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

Certificate for Module (HKIS Training Course on Heritage Conservation for Building Surveyor)

  • This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [6])


Online Application Apply Now

Application Form Download Application Form

Enrolment Method
Payment Method
1. Cash, EPS, WeChat Pay Or Alipay

Course fees can be paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres.

2. Cheque Or Bank draft

Course fees can also be paid by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “HKU SPACE”. Please specify the programme title(s) for application and applicant’s name. You may either:

  • bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate course or application fees in the form of a cheque, and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres;
  • or mail the above documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, specifying “Course Application” on the envelope. HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of personal information and payment sent by mail.
3. VISA/Mastercard

Applicants may also pay the course fee by VISA or Mastercard, including the “HKU SPACE Mastercard”, at any HKU SPACE enrolment centres. Holders of the HKU SPACE Mastercard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000; however, the course applicant must also be the cardholder himself/herself. For enquiries, please contact our staff at any enrolment centres.

4. Online Payment

Online application / enrolment is offered for most open admission courses (enrolled on first come, first served basis) and selected award-bearing programmes. Application fees and course fees of these programmes/courses can be settled by using "PPS by Internet" (not available via mobile phones), VISA or Mastercard. In addition to the aforesaid online payment channels, new and continuing students of award-bearing programmes with available online service, they may also pay their course fees by Online WeChat Pay, Online Alipay or Faster Payment System (FPS). Please refer to Enrolment Methods - Online Enrolment  for details.


  • If the programme/course is starting within five working days, application by post is not recommended to avoid any delays. Applicants are advised to enrol in person at HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres and avoid making cheque payment under this circumstance.

  • Fees paid are not refundable except under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment), subject to the School’s discretion. In exceptional cases where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, cheque, FPS or PPS by Internet will be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will be reimbursed to the credit card account used for payment. 

  • In addition to the published fees, there may be additional costs associated with individual programmes. Please refer to the relevant course brochures or direct any enquiries to the relevant programme team for details.
  • Fees and places on courses cannot be transferrable from one applicant to another. Once accepted onto a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on each approved transfer.
  • HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of payment, receipt, or personal information sent by mail.
  • For payment certification, please submit a completed form, a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to “HKU SPACE” to any of our enrolment centres.