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Arts, Design & Culture Performing Arts

New Course

Art from the Body Series - Low Hammock
藝術由肢體出發系列 : 低布瑜珈

Course Code
Application Code
Study mode
Start Date
07 May 2025 (Wed)
6 weeks
Course Fee
Deadline on 23 Apr 2025 (Wed)
3762 0054 / 3762 0079
2151 0720
Apply Now


低布瑜珈和空中瑜珈的原理一樣,利用掛布與地心引力來達成伸展與瑜珈式子的活動,掛布高度較低,通常離地約 15-20公分,相對難度較低、注重伸展、放鬆、靜態和內在覺察,是一項結合身與心的體驗練習。
Low Hammock and aerial yoga operate on the same principle, using fabric and gravity to achieve stretches and yoga poses. The fabric is hung lower, usually about 15-20 cm above the ground, making it less challenging. It focuses on stretching, relaxation, stillness, and inner awareness. It is an experience that combines body and mind.

Programme Details


藝術由肢體出發系列 : 低布瑜珈 Apply Online Now
Application Code 2285-1705NW
Start Date 07 May 2025 (Wed)
Time 11:00-13:00
Venue 港島東分校
Tutor Ms. Gloria Sit So Lan
Apply Online Now

Days / Time
  • Wednesday, 11:00am - 1:00pm
  • 6 meeting(s)
  • 2 hours per meeting

Teacher Information

Ms Gloria Sit So Lan

Grant McEwan University Canada


Antigravity Certificate Instructor - Aerial Yoga, Pilates, Aerial Kids 

Certified Bungee Workout Instructor

Certified Bungee Workout Master Trainer

CSTD Certified CSTD Jazz Instructor (Grade 1-8)


Course Fee
  • Course Fee : HK$2880

Entry Requirements

學員必須 18 歲或以上,並且體格強健。



Online Application Apply Now

Application Form Download Application Form

Enrolment Method
Payment Method
1. Cash, EPS, WeChat Pay Or Alipay

Course fees can be paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres.

2. Cheque Or Bank draft

Course fees can also be paid by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “HKU SPACE”. Please specify the programme title(s) for application and applicant’s name. You may either:

  • bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate course or application fees in the form of a cheque, and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres;
  • or mail the above documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, specifying “Course Application” on the envelope. HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of personal information and payment sent by mail.
3. VISA/Mastercard

Applicants may also pay the course fee by VISA or Mastercard, including the “HKU SPACE Mastercard”, at any HKU SPACE enrolment centres. Holders of the HKU SPACE Mastercard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000; however, the course applicant must also be the cardholder himself/herself. For enquiries, please contact our staff at any enrolment centres.

4. Online Payment

Online application / enrolment is offered for most open admission courses (enrolled on first come, first served basis) and selected award-bearing programmes. Application fees and course fees of these programmes/courses can be settled by using "PPS by Internet" (not available via mobile phones), VISA or Mastercard. In addition to the aforesaid online payment channels, new and continuing students of award-bearing programmes with available online service, they may also pay their course fees by Online WeChat Pay, Online Alipay or Faster Payment System (FPS). Please refer to Enrolment Methods - Online Enrolment  for details.


  • If the programme/course is starting within five working days, application by post is not recommended to avoid any delays. Applicants are advised to enrol in person at HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres and avoid making cheque payment under this circumstance.

  • Fees paid are not refundable except under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment), subject to the School’s discretion. In exceptional cases where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, cheque, FPS or PPS by Internet will be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will be reimbursed to the credit card account used for payment. 

  • In addition to the published fees, there may be additional costs associated with individual programmes. Please refer to the relevant course brochures or direct any enquiries to the relevant programme team for details.
  • Fees and places on courses cannot be transferrable from one applicant to another. Once accepted onto a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on each approved transfer.
  • HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of payment, receipt, or personal information sent by mail.
  • For payment certification, please submit a completed form, a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to “HKU SPACE” to any of our enrolment centres.
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