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Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has always been one of the world busiest international passenger airports and busiest cargo gateways. The third runway establishment at the HKIA will further boost the demand for aviation training in the near future. HKU SPACE is offering a range of aviation programmes at Certificate, Higher Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Bachelor levels to provide a through-train articulation approach for different students who are interested in pursuing their careers in the aviation industry.
This programme aims at nurturing management professionals in various aviation sectors which focuses on operational and management issues in the aviation industry. A broad range of knowledge such as airline and airport operations and management, aviation business development, aviation safety issues, and air traffic management are covered in the programme.
The programme provides an overview of the process used in acquiring (through sale and/or lease) commercial aircraft. Guided role play and documentation exercise will be carried out so that theoretical concepts could be brought into practice.
This programme covers essential principles of human factors including its impacts to aviation operations. The importance of effective communication and the implementation of the Crew Resource Management (CRM) will also be discussed.
This course does not teach general English, but is designed for students who aim to pursue a career as a Commercial Pilot and pass the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) English Proficiency Test at Level 4. The course design, curriculum and mock test are based on the requirements set out in the "Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements - 2nd addition 2010 doc 9835”.