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Languages Portuguese

10 Must-Know Phrases for Travelling in Portuguese-speaking Countries


Top 5 Reasons to learn Portuguese

1) Huge Portuguese-speaking Population

Portuguese is one of the 7 most-spoken languages worldwide, with over 250 million speakers — mostly residing in Portugal and Brazil, but also in several African countries.

2) A Must for Music Fans

Portugal and Brazil have such rich musical traditions. From bossa nova to Musica Popular Brasileira (Brazilian pop music) to Forró (Brazilian folk music) and the funk (Brazilian rap), Brazilian musicians have won international acclaim.

3) A Gateway to Romance Languages

If you speak one Romance language (Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian), it’ll be much easier for you to learn them all because they share the Latin origin and have similar spellings, grammar and sentence structures.

4) Growing Business Opportunities

Ranking the 12th in the world in terms of its GDP, Brazil is part of the economic conglomerate of emerging economies that include Russia, India and China. As these economies become stronger, their influence in international business and politics will become more prevalent.

5. Amazing Places for Globetrotters

 While the Brazilian Carnival is on top of everybody’s lists, the Agitágueda Art Festival in Portugal is internationally well-known where hundreds of colorful umbrellas cover various streets of the city for 23 whole days. 

Would you like to learn more about the Portuguese language and culture? Enrol in our courses now and follow us on social media!


Portuguese Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


Start Date

Class Schedule

Financial Assistance


Hong Kong Island


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The programme aims to enable students to
  • Listen to, recall and summarise the key information in authentic listening tasks.
  • Read authentic texts where they can identify and analyse different viewpoints.    
  • Speak appropriately in a range of situations and discuss more abstract concepts.
  • Write clearly to convey their meaning in authentic situations and elaborate on their opinions.  
Start To be advised
Duration 40 weeks
Fee HK$10,100
The programme aims to: 
  • Improve students’ spoken fluency while expressing opinions and plans on a range of topics: e.g. free time activities, sport, culture, art, food and drink, holidays, etc.
  • Consolidate and deepen students’ grammatical accuracy while speaking and writing.  
  • Enable students to write a variety of simple texts on topics of personal interest.
  • Build students’ confidence while listening so that they can demonstrate an understanding of and respond to challenging situations on the phone and in daily conversation.
  • Increase students’ knowledge of the Portuguese culture so that they can compare it with their own and deal more easily with everyday situations while in Portugal or Portuguese-speaking countries.
Start To be advised
Duration 40 weeks
Fee HK$10,100
 The programme aims to
  • Introduce students to simple phrases and sentences used in basic conversation, e.g.: introducing oneself, saying hello,  reserving a hotel room, ordering food and drink, talking about your job, finding your way around town, talking about likes and dislikes and holidays.
  • Give students the basic grammar and vocabulary needed for simple communication, e.g. present tense forms, adjectives, articles, basic modal verbs (e.g. poder and dever), and prepositions of place.
  • Provide students with the techniques needed to listen with confidence to simplified, everyday dialogues when spoken clearly and slowly.
  • Introduce students to some areas of Portuguese culture such as food and drink, greetings, festivals and places.
  • Enable students to extract information from very simple written texts such as forms, menus and short, simplified articles. Also to write short simple postcards and fill in information on a form, e.g. hotel registration form.
Start To be advised
Duration 40 weeks
Fee HK$9,500
The programme aims to  
  • Increase students’ confidence to deal with everyday spoken situations, e.g. talking about your home, talking about free time activities (e.g. food, sport and travel), discussing work and jobs and making simple phone conversations.
  • Consolidate and build on the basic grammar learned in the first year, future and conditional tenses, past tenses, comparative and superlatives and gerund and participle.  
  • Enable students to write a short simple letter or email and to complete a simple curriculum vitae in a given format. Also to take down simple notes on a telephone conversation.
  • Build students’ confidence while listening so that they can demonstrate an understanding of the main point in short simple messages and everyday conversations, e.g. when listening to information about family, the local area and hobbies or when listening to basic information on the telephone.
  • Introduce students to some important areas of Portuguese culture, e.g. culinary specialties, regions of Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries, housing, industry (e.g. tourism and fashion).
Start To be advised
Duration 40 weeks
Fee HK$9,550