What's Happening Events
Feb 2023
Humanities and Law Open Day February 2023
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Sharpen your Mind and Diversify your Skills
Walk through our doors and you will have ample opportunities to get a taste of learning many different languages, ranging from English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, to Italian and Spanish. Professional legal and architectural skills will be introduced by qualified lawyers and architects. Putting aside hard work, you can also step into the world of Music Therapy, with a room of ambience designed to make you feel relaxed and calm. Contemporary media cultures and tactics to enter the design industry are just around the corner. And don’t forget to seize the chance to get a taste of British English culture with videos of Premier League football and British Afternoon Tea—you can enjoy a sip of Earl Grey English breakfast tea and scones with us this afternoon.
A total of 16 workshops, trial lessons and information sessions are covering all you need to make you a proficient player with diversified skills. Stay tuned and stay competitive with us!

26Feb 2023 (Sun)12:00 - 13:00 Free
Observing legal perspectives
- Venue
- Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK and Facebook Live @ HKU SPACE Law Facebook Page
Andrew Lau,
Andrew Lau (劉晉安) is a practising barrister in Hong Kong and an Adjunct Lecturer of HKU SPACE who teaches on the CPE (Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law).
26Feb 2023 (Sun)13:30 - 14:30 Free
How to Pioneer a Business in the Web 3 Space and Legal & Regulatory Pitfalls to Look Out For?
- Venue
- Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK and Facebook Live @ HKU SPACE Law Facebook Page
Mr. Joshua Chu (朱喬華先生)
Joshua Chu (朱喬華) is a legal expert, who was a consultant at ONC. Mr. Chu is currently the Chief Risk Officer at Coinllectibles, the first publicly traded blockchain Fusion DOTs technology company on the US OTC Markets.
Japanese, Korean and Thai
26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 14:45 Free
Japanese Trial Lesson
- Venue
- Admiralty Learning Centre Room 204, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Ms SATO Haruka (College Assistant Lecturer )
Ms SATO Haruka
37620820 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 15:45 Free
Korean Trial Lesson
- Venue
- Admiralty Learning Centre Room 207, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Mr PARK Jungman (College Assistant Lecturer ) ;
- Ms Ivana CHIU (College Assistant Lecturer )
Mr PARK Jungman
Ms Ivana CHIU
37620820 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)16:00 - 16:45 Free
Thai Trial Lesson
- Venue
- Admiralty Learning Centre Room 207, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Mr Ratthakit TONG (Lecturer)
Mr Ratthakit TONG
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 16:00 Free
How to live Japanese by Kimono Mom
- Venue
- Admiralty Learning Centre Room 204, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Ms Moe YAMADA (Kimono Mom) (A Japanese renowned KOL)
Ms Moe YAMADA (Kimono Mom)
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 16:00 Free
How to live Japanese by Kimono Mom (Live Broadcast @ Learning Centre)
- Venue
- Admiralty Learning Centre Room 205, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Ms Moe YAMADA (Kimono Mom) (A Japanese renowned KOL)
Ms Moe YAMADA (Kimono Mom)
Arts, Design and Arts Management
26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 14:30 Free
Curating Lifestyles & Career
- Venue
- Dual mode: Dialogue & Sharing at Room311, 3/F, SPACE Admiralty Learning Centre; and Online Live Streaming
- Speaker
- Ms. Sheeta Ng (Founder of NSW Arts Company Limited ) ;
- Mr. Jack Pun
Ms. Sheeta Ng
Sheeta Ng is a cultural curator, producer, and music educator who specializes in the intersection of music and mindfulness. Her work uncovers the many ways in which art can meet larger societal needs, and generates creative possibilities through innovative, cross-disciplinary collaborations, which have become her hallmark. Over the course of her extensive career, she has curated and facilitated arts programmes for Hong Kong’s key cultural institutions including Tai Kwun, West Kowloon Cultural District, and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. An experienced and committed music educator, Sheeta was selected for the Sage Gateshead Internship in 2015 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Home Affairs Bureau. She received her M.A. in Cultural Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013 and holds a Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing Communication) degree from the University of Canberra, in addition to a Postgraduate Certificate in Music Therapy from HKUSPACE and ABRSM Grade 8 certifications in singing and Piano.
Mr. Jack Pun
97015650 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 15:00 Free
Advancing Your Career: Becoming a Music Therapist in Hong Kong
- Venue
- Room 308, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
- Speaker
- Mr Pan Ho (Music Therapist )
Mr Pan Ho
USA and Canada Credentialed Music Therapist(MT-BC, MTA) Adjunct lecturer, HKU SPACE PgDip in Music Therapy; Clinical supervisor, University of Melbourne Master of Music Therapy
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:30 - 16:30 Free
Your Children's New Option for Studying Abroad: UAL's 3-year (2+1) Degree in Media Cultures 子女海外升學新選擇: 英國倫敦藝術大學的 2+1 媒體文化課程
- Venue
- ADC 311 (3/F, Admiralty Centre)
- Speaker
- Dr Frankie Cheung (Programme Director/ College Senior Lecturer, College of Humanities and Law, HKU SPACE)
Dr Frankie Cheung
2910 7613 / 3762 0061 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 17:30 Free
"Defining Design" Seminar & Information Session
- Venue
- ADC Learning Centre 3/F - Room 312 [3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, (Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)]
- Speaker
- Yanise Lai (Design, Education and Innovation Management Impact Maker) ;
- Tim Kwong (Director, DESIGN TOO MUCH, Design Much More Company) ;
- Leo Chan (Programme Leader [Arts, Design and Culture]) ;
- Jeannie Wu (Programme Manager [Arts, Design and Culture])
Yanise Lai
黎頌欣 Yanise 是一位跨學科專業設計師,擅長於視覺傳播、廣告、設計思維、用戶體驗研究、文化管理和商業創新。她畢業於中央聖馬丁藝術學院,取得平面設計(榮譽)學士學位。其後,她深造國際企業管理,獲得了香港理工大學碩士學位。她的學術背景使她擅於採用設計思維尋覓嶄新角度,穿梭於各種企業研究和設計議題。
Tim Kwong
鄺維峰 Tim 於理工大學設計系取得碩士及於城市大學創意媒體學院取得藝術學士。現為 DESIGN TOO MUCH 總監,擔任廣告及電視(綜藝及戲劇)導演監製、藝術設計總監和攝影師,參與不同形式的商業及藝術電影,社交媒體,新媒體視頻製作和雜誌設計。另外,他亦任教多間大專院校。
Leo Chan
Jeannie Wu
Italian and Spanish
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:30 - 16:45
Spanish Trial Lesson
- Venue
- HKU SPACE Admiralty Learning Centre (ADC), Room 304
- Speaker
- Ms Carmen Jordán Fernández (Spanish Coordinator of HKU SPACE)
Ms Carmen Jordán Fernández
26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 15:15
Italian Trial Lesson
- Venue
- HKU SPACE Admiralty Learning Centre (ADC), Room 304
- Speaker
- Ms. Beatrice De Magistris (Adjunct Lecturer & Italian Teacher of HKU SPACE)
Ms. Beatrice De Magistris
2975 5764
26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 15:00 Free
Becoming a Confident English Speaker
- Venue
- Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
- Speaker
- Mr Gerard Crawford (English Language Trainer)
Mr Gerard Crawford
29755686 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 16:00 Free
Talking Football in English like a Brit
- Venue
- Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
- Speaker
- Mr Alan Danny Liu (English Language Trainer)
Mr Alan Danny Liu
29755686 -
26Feb 2023 (Sun)16:00 - 17:30 Free
Becoming an English Journalist
- Venue
- Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
- Speaker
- Ms Agnes Chan (Programme Manager)
Ms Agnes Chan
26Feb 2023 (Sun)15:00 - 16:00
Becoming an Architect
- Venue
- Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK (access via the shopping arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- Mr Chris Yien (Programme Director, CHL, HKU SPACE) ;
- Ms Corrin Chan (Director of AOS Architecture; Registered Architect, HKIA)
Mr Chris Yien
Ms Corrin Chan
3762 0071