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Aug 2024

Play Therapy Workshop

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Humanities and Law Open Day (August 2024)
Social Sciences

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Date & time
31Aug 2024 (Sat)14:30 - 15:30 Free
Type of Event
In-person Attendance
Room 315, 3/F., Admiralty Centre
  • Ms Tobi Ho (Secretary General of Hong Kong Academy of Play Therapy)

Ms Tobi Ho

Ms. Ho has extensive experience in early childhood education and teaching. She also possesses a wealth of practical experience in play therapy. Through game therapy, she is able to assist young children in effectively expressing their emotions. By utilizing a variety of play activities tailored to suit young children, she creates a safe and enjoyable environment where they can freely express their feelings and emotions.

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Play therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses play activities to support children's emotional and psychological growth. It provides a safe space for children to express themselves, solve problems, and develop important skills. Through play, therapists gain insights into their inner world and help them heal and grow.

Language: Cantonese