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Summer School 2021: English Language Courses

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The course provides opportunities for course participants to acquire knowledge of public speaking techniques, and practise public speaking and presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Topics include:

 Delivering with an impact
  •   Using body language with effect
  •   Speaking with persuasiveness
  •   Using techniques to engage listening audiences
  •   Practising and critiquing speeches/presentations
Start 15 FEB 2025 (SAT)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,800
This 30-hour course gives learners more opportunities to enhance their speaking and listening skills. The course aims to consolidate learner's knowledge of grammar and vocabulary;  widen their understanding of idiomatic and colloquial English; and develop their speaking and listening skills to help them deal with naturally spoken English.
Start 07 JUL 2025 (MON)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,600
Advanced Grammar provides higher level students opportunities to practise advanced grammar in context. Students will be aware of and thus be able to spot and correct their own grammatical errors.  At the end of the course, students gain more confidence in the use of a much wider range of grammar structures in their use of English.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,600
If you are taking the IELTS test and want to maximise your potential and chances of success, this 45-hour course provides you with essential exam strategies and valuable practice in key language areas. The course offers you invaluable practice and teacher guidance when completing test assignments. Timely feedback is available from the tutor, who is a native speaker of English.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,500

This course focuses on Impromptu Talk and Discussion.  It aims to develop oral communications skills that enable you to speak clearly and present ideas coherently.  

Start 15 MAR 2025 (SAT)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2,300
Video Production – a vital skill for 21st century teaching. 
The 3-session bootcamp is aimed to equip the participants with the basic video production skills required for turning the traditional paper-based teaching materials into “digitised” format using free software, and devices like computer and smartphone. Today’s devices are simple to hold and easy to load. At the end of the course, participants will be able to teach with more impactful materials, adding life to their teaching, both face-to-face and online.
Start To be advised
Duration 3 weeks
Fee HK$1,000


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