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15年前,Van開始從商,經常周圍飛,修讀HKU SPACE的「Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (Common Professional Examination)」本來也只是為了替當時的工作「增值」。但一讀之下,竟發現找回了兒時的夢想,「媽媽以前說我很喜歡說話,好適合做律師。」
HKU SPACE 同澳洲Swinburne University of Technology合辦航空管理學士課程,多元化課程涉及多個航空領域,包括Air Traffic Control Management, Aviation Marketing, Aviation Business Strategy, Aviation Operation 等等, 無論同學想喺邊個範疇發展都得!Swinburne University嘅老師會飛嚟香港教書,同學仔都有得去澳洲實地交流試飛,唔會紙上談兵!
未來三跑發展,業界預期對航空從業員需求會進一步增加,想知道咩課程可以裝備自己,成就航空夢,即刻click入嚟睇下HKU SPACE Aviation嘅全部課程!
HKU SPACE has been serving the Hong Kong community for over half a century. The Honorary Fellowship was established in 2014 to recognise and honour those who made valuable contribution and gave their generous support to the School and the community in different ways.
The Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 2018 was held on Monday, 10 December, in Rayson Huang Theatre on the University Main Campus.
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