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Law for a Global Legal Career


Global Alumni

Calling HKU SPACE Global alumni. Wherever you are in the world, HKU SPACE would love to hear how you're doing. Just click here to share your experiences by emailing us at (please include a horizontal photo)


Amarzaya Gantumur

Associate, GRT Lawyers,

Brisbane, Australia.

"HKU SPACE was the stepping stone to my legal career in both Hong Kong and Australia."

GDEHKL Graduate
Ben Rigby

Solicitor, Eversheds Sutherland,

Manchester, United Kingdom.

"Stand out from other job applicants when applying for legal work in the UK."


Rhondda May

Immigration Paralegal

Atlanta, United States.

"Very lucky I had the opportunity to study law at HKU SPACE on the CPE."

Jade Fung

Jade Fung

Moved to UK to take up a position as a Solicitor with a law firm on the English south coast.

"The CPE shaped me into the legal professional that I am today."


Victor Chan

Tax compliance at a Big 4 accounting firm,

London, United Kingdom.

"Law studies at HKU SPACE played a vital role in paving the way for my new career in  the UK."


Rachel Yu

US Patent Practioner,

Chicago, United States.

"Crucial turning point in my career which helped me land my current job in Chicago."


Dr Danny Gittings

Qualified via HKU SPACE as a Barrister of Gray's Inn, London.

"All I needed was 1 year's study in London to be called as a Barrister of Gray’s Inn."

ShirleyShirley Yau

Qualifying as a lawyer in

Sydney, Australia

"It's guaranteed you'll be able to practise as a lawyer in Australia."

HoltDaniel Holt

Patent Attorney

Perth, Australia

"Studying law at HKU SPACE is high quality and reasonably priced."

GDEHKL Graduate
Wade Ho

Former banker

Qualifying as a lawyer in Melbourne, Australia

"Almost all the subjects needed for the Australian equivalent of the PCLL."

CelinaCelina Ruff

Qualifying as a lawyer in

Brisbane, Australia

"I would recommend HKU SPACE to anyone considering higher education ."

Holly Chan

Holly Chan

HKU SPACE Law graduate

based in London.

"HKU SPACE provided a pathway for me to further my legal studies in the UK."

Kong VanTim Lee

HKU SPACE Law graduate

based in Estonia

"A high-quality standard that employers around the world value so highly."

Candy Wong

Candy Wong

Transferred to Manchester after one year at HKU SPACE.

"The first step to relocating and practicing law in the United Kingdom after graduating."






專業班(第三班)- 更新

開課日期 2025年3月6日 (星期四)
修業期 9-13個月
課程費用 專業班:每年 HK$40,000港幣
英國及香港法律學士程度文憑 (專業共同試) (以下簡稱 “英港法文憑”)課程是由香港大學專業進修學院及英國國立曼徹斯特都會大學聯合主辦的課程。本課程一向深受歡迎而且名額有限,學員越早報名,被取錄的機會越高。
如果你想獲得本課程的最新或更多資訊,請瀏覽並密切關注香港大學專業進修學院法律學部在Facebook, Instagram and YouTube等平台發放的信息。
開課日期 2025年9月15日 (星期一)
修業期 2年
課程費用 课程费用57,900港幣整,另需支付曼切斯特都會大學註冊費用1,034英鎊和300港幣行政費(適用於2025/26學年入學新生,第一學年)
香港大學專業進修學院是由倫敦大學認可、有資格為計畫參加倫敦大學法律學士考試的學生提供法律學士學位試課程培訓的教學中心。申請者順利完成課程後將會獲得 1) 由倫敦大學授予的法律學士學位(LL.B)以及 2)由香港大學專業進修學院頒發的課程出席證書。
開課日期 2025年5月7日 (星期三)
修業期 2年至6年
課程費用 HK$9,100 至 11,000


訂閱 學院電子通訊