Law for a Global Legal Career
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HKU SPACE's popular Certificate in Legal Studies offers a unique fast track to qualifying as a Legal Executive and then get credit for your work experience as you continue towards the PCLL and legal practice. More students choose to start their legal studies on HKU SPACE's Certificate in Legal Studies because you get an award at every stage plus multiple professional qualifications as well. That's much better than most other law courses which give you nothing until you finish.
Quickly qualify as a Legal Executive via our professional stream, one of the few Approved Legal Executive Courses recognised by the Law Society of Hong Kong. Then join the large numbers of Certificate in Legal Studies graduates who have benefitted from multiple pathways to the PCLL and legal practice. This includes the Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level), which gives you credit for your work experience and is only available if you start your part-time legal studies on the professional stream of the Certificate in Legal Studies.
So come along to our weekly information seminars to find out how to start your legal career on the Certificate in Legal Studies.
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(中文譯本僅供參考,若中文譯本與英文版本倘有任何歧異,一切內容概以英文版本爲準。) 透過修讀本港最受歡迎的法律證書系列課程,踏上成為律師或法律行政人員的職業道路。本課程自設立以來已培養了超過20,000名畢業生。 法律證書系列課程的優點包括:本系列課程為PCLL提供者認可的入讀PCLL的特別路徑之一;考試通過率高;為在職專業人士度身訂造,課程設置合理,學習時間靈活安排。立即報名!
(中文譯本僅供參考,若中文譯本與英文版本倘有任何歧異,一切內容概以英文版本爲準。) 從香港大學專業進修學院在本港獲多年良好口碑的法律證書課程(專業班)起步,透過學習法律高等文憑課程獲取「法律行政人員」的職稱,並開啟多條通往PCLL的道路。
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