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網上行政人員文憑及證書網上課程講座 - 大數據及金融科技系列 (2024-12-18)


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  • 2024年12月18日 (星期三)12:00 - 12:30 免費
    網上行政人員文憑及證書課程講座 - 大數據及金融科技系列 (2024-12-18)
    Online seminar via Zoom
    • Mr Ferrix Lau (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

    Mr Ferrix Lau (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

    Mr. Lau, ACS, ACIS, CFA, FRM, has over 10 years’ teaching experience in business, accounting and finance modules at tertiary level. He teaches Financial Analysis, Financial Risk Management, Quantitative Analysis, Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting as well as Corporate Governance. Moreover, he is a co-author of a Statistics book, Quantitative Analysis for Professional Studies and Projects. Furthermore, he has strong interests in the areas of Statistical Analysis, Quantitative Finance and Machine Intelligence. Mr. Lau has earned a Bachelor's Degree in Social Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in Economics and minor in Computer Science. Besides, he holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration with Distinction from The University of Hong Kong, concentrating on the theme of Accounting Control and Financial Management.

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