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Recent Anti-money Laundering (AML) Enforcement Actions and Case Study


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  • 2025年3月11日 (星期二)13:30 - 14:00
    Recent Anti-money Laundering (AML) Enforcement Actions and Case Study
    • Mr Kenny Ip (Retired Chief Superintendent of Police)

    Mr Kenny Ip

    Mr Ip has over 25 years of financial crime investigations experience including Commercial Crime Bureau and Interpol Paris Secretariat General, Finance and Economic Crime Group. He was the founder of JFIU and in-charge of Money Laundering Financial Investigation Unit for 9 years. He has testified as Expert Witness in money laundering criminal prosecution cases both in the court of HK and USA. He also organized professional training to officers both in Hong Kong, China and overseas on money laundering and terrorist financing matters. Upon retirement, Mr. Ip worked at HKMA Enforcement Department for a year before joining a local bank, Group Audit Department and Financial Crime Compliance Department responsible for designing and implementing solution on fraud and money laundering cases. Mr. Ip then joined another local bank working both in HK and Shanghai handling AML and Financial Crime Compliance management functions. Currently, Mr Ip teaches ECF AML/CFT Professional Level courses with HKU SPACE.

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