Graduate: Ms. Tracy Yuen, Executive Assistant to CEO
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- Graduate: Ms. Tracy Yuen, Executive Assistant to CEO

Graduate: Ms. Tracy Yuen, Executive Assistant to CEO
This programme provided me valuable chances of visiting Macau Business Airshow, Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre and headquarter of private jet management company, these were all “eye-opening” and fruitful experiences. Though I used to work in the airline industry, I have never had the opportunity to get in touch with people from the private jet sector, and this course is a unique one in Hong Kong which broadens my mind and my network. Teachers in this programme are all very professional and knowledgeable, and they provided me useful career advice. After studying this programme, a headhunter approached me and referred me a relevant job, and I successfully change my career from a commercial airline to become a personal assistant in a banking company.

【Transforming Your Career – 捉緊機會在職場上變身】

Graduate: Ms. Sheraine Yu, Stewardess of Super Yacht