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Master of Business Administration (Health Management)

Awarded by
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Course Code
Application Code
Study mode
Start Date
20 Jan 2025 (Mon)
Next intake(s)
June 2025
21 months to 33 months
Course Fee
Course Fee
Total fees: HK$92,000, paid in 8 instalments.
Instalment 1: HK$10,000
Instalment 2: HK$10,000
Instalment 3: HK$10,000
Instalment 4: HK$10,000
Instalment 5: HK$10,000
Instalment 6: HK$10,000
Instalment 7: HK$10,000
Instalment 8: HK$22,000
(all fees are subject to change without prior notice)
*Students will be required to cover the additional cost incurred due to resubmission of coursework, retaking a module or resubmitting the dissertation.
Deadline on 20 Dec 2024 (Fri)
Apply Now

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management graduates will be exempted from the four core modules:

  • Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations
  • Management and Organisational Change
  • Global Business Economics and Finance 
  • Leading Strategic Decision Making

One-on-one consultations are available.


Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom

The MBA programme has the following programme objectives:  

1. To enable the advanced study of organisations focusing on the role of leaders and managers in determining the organisation’s mission, vision and strategic direction.
2. To develop critical reflection and engagement skills to understand, apply and challenge the relevance of academic theories in a rapidly changing business context.  

3. To develop insights, critical thinking and management skills necessary to function effectively in a management role and to widen the perspective of students beyond the limitations imposed by their own experience.  

4. To enhance your interpersonal, team working and cross-cultural skills enabling you to work more effectively with employees and customers.  

5. To develop your knowledge and skills across specialist routes congruent with your career and professional development plans and goals.  

6. To foster innovation and entrepreneurial skills enabling you to generate original solutions to management problems.  

Target Student Group

Business leaders, executives and professionals that wish to enhance their knowledge in business with an MBA and: 

  • Interested in the option to include a specialism in their MBA  
  • Prefer the flexibility offered by online studies 
  • Prefer enrolling through an institution with strong presence in Hong Kong 
  • Enjoy a lower fee when they enrol via HKU SPACE 

Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding:  

On completion of this programme of study you will be able to:  

  • Evaluate in-depth established and emerging concepts, principles, theories, and philosophies underpinning the broad area of business management from an operational to a strategic level  

  • Critically reflect upon a range of specialist business and management areas at an advanced level.  

  • Critique and apply emerging and established tools, techniques and methodologies employed in the diagnosis and resolution of organisation and management problems. 

  • Evaluate research methodologies as applied to current management research, and where appropriate, develop new approaches.  

  • Analyse critically factors affecting the external and internal business environments at local and global levels.  

  • Evaluate and propose strategies for a range of organisational responses geared to improving performance in increasingly competitive environments.  

  • Analyse factors influencing success within the context of professional management practice. hypotheses / potential solutions.  

B. Skills and other attributes:  

On completion of this programme of study you will have skills and other attributes which will enable you to:  

  • Make informed judgements from the synthesis of management data and information (both qualitative and quantitative) derived from primary and secondary sources.   

  • Deal creatively with complex and challenging and often ill-defined management problems and issues, applying appropriate tools and techniques.  

  • Select and apply appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative management research methodologies to gather primary data relevant to a particular issue or problem with a view to facilitating management decision-making.   

  • Reflect critically on your learning on a continuing basis, integrating academic study and work-related experience, in the light of established management knowledge and practice.  

  • Present arguments and communicate effectively with peers and subject experts, both academics and practising managers.   

  • Work effectively with peers through the vehicle of the virtual learning environment (VLE) to manage the process of tackling and proposing solutions to problems of strategic importance to organisations in a range of industry sectors.  

  • Work autonomously in the selection, design and execution of individual, problem-based and time-constrained management research assignments.   

  • Build information and communication technology expertise through use of the VLE and associated software.  

Programme Details


The programme is pitched at level 6 (indicative) of the Hong Kong Qualification Framework (HKQF). The programme consists of 7 modules with 20 credits each and 1 module with 40 credits, totalling 180 credits altogether.  

Programme Duration and Teaching Mode

The minimum time needed to complete the MBA (Health Management) is 21 months and the maximum duration is 33 months.

The programme is delivered in the part-time mode. Outcome-based learning approach will be applied. Depending on the pathway, a combination of individual assignments, case-study assignments, tests, and project will be utilized to fulfil the requirements of learning outcomes of individual module as well as programme learning outcomes. 

Student can take maximum 2 modules from module 1-6 per trimester. They can take module 7 in trimester 4 and after successful completion of previous 7 modules, they can progress to the MBA project. (the MBA project can be completed over one or two trimesters). Subject to students’ pace of study and module availability, it typically takes 21-33 months to complete all 8 modules. 

Core Modules

1) Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations 

The module introduces a number of tools that can be used to measure the success, or otherwise, of an organisation - focusing on operations, supply chains and marketing strategy. A number of models and frameworks will be used. Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard provide a set of measures that gives a fast but comprehensive view of the business. The European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) excellence model is also utilised. These are used to collate important elements that reflect a business’s strategic position. Developing marketing strategies in a competitive environment will be explored while using theory concepts and modules. Understanding the macro environment and its effects on marketing strategies will be examined, with a focus on creating and maintaining relationships with customers, managing authentic brands, making strategic decisions in global marketing, and sustaining marketing and emerging issues.

2) Management and Organisational Change 

The material covered in the module relates to two broad areas of study: the examination of organisational behaviour, including attitudes, perception, motivation, groups, teams and leadership; and understanding managerial processes, and the development of skills important in the management of people and processes - such as corporate social responsibility. Change management is increasingly important and therefore you will examine the topic by looking at both incremental and transformational change, and the importance of power, politics and conflict. Focusing on the behaviour of people in a work environment, the module places an emphasis on understanding the vital role and importance of people in the change management process. You will develop an understanding of the dynamics of working organisations in a rapidly evolving business environment, specifically the significance of organisational culture. This in turn develops your ability to plan and carry forward sustainable system-wide change programmes.

3) Global Business Economics and Finance

The large majority of businesses today operate in a variety of economic environments and their leaders must make economic decisions taking into account market specific information. This module covers the most essential analytical tools required for economic decision making such as: the concepts of economic systems, profit and utility maximisation, demand elasticity, market equilibrium, market structures, macroeconomic objectives, government policies’ (monetary, fiscal and trade policies) tools and their impact on businesses etc. Businesses also require funding from shareholders and lenders at the outset and subsequently need to profits and positive cash flows for investment. They are in competition with other businesses for funding, just as much as they are competition for labour and market share. On this course, you will learn to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages to the business of a range of sources of finance. You will also learn how managers report on the financial affairs and financial position of the business and how financial reports can be analysed to evaluate business performance.

4) Leading Strategic Decision Making

The module will cover the following content; organisation strategy and strategic leadership; determining the strategic direction: mission vision and values; strategic decision-making in practice; strategic decisionmaking in innovative contexts; current trends in strategic leadership; creating systemic innovation; transformational leadership approaches and emotional intelligence; the leader-follower relationship; team leadership; authentic and sustainable leadership.

5) Data Analysis for Business Decision-making

Data literacy and the ability to critically evaluate information are crucial skills for responsible business management. Data analysis is a process that involves the formulation of a research question and the acquisition and analysis of the data that is needed to help answer that question. In this module, you will be taken through the practicalities of developing a business research question and acquiring and analyzing data to answer that question. You will learn about the key sources of business data and information and about how data is created for specific project purposes through survey design. You will learn about the practical steps that researchers must take to create useful business information from data and how to visualize this information in an understandable way. You will be equipped with the tools, methods, and skills required for acquiring, exploring, and analyzing both quantitative and qualitive data.

6) Capstone Project 

This module contains no specific subject content, and therefore there is no formal delivery of any material. The individual and unique project topics selected by you will allow you to utilise the methods and techniques introduced in the Skills for Managers module to independently research and acquire detailed knowledge relating to your project. The emphasis is very much on individual development and demonstrating the critical research skills commensurate with postgraduate study. While you will receive supervision, the supervisor’s role is primarily one of facilitation and guidance, with you taking a pro-active stance to the assimilation and analysis of relevant literature, leading to the design and execution of appropriate research. The production of a project, critically reflecting on the research undertaken and presenting robust and evidence-based arguments, is the ultimate goal of this module. Although the project is subject-specific, the skills used within the project are transferable and relevant to a range of situations you may find yourself in, in your current or future organisation. A number of exemplars will be available on the VLE to support you, and the guidelines for writing the project are given in the MBA Project Handbook.

Pathway Modules

1) Governance and Accountability in Healthcare

This module brings together the principles and practice of Governance in the healthcare environment at a strategic level. With a particular focus on Clinical Governance, it promotes an understanding of the accountability frameworks for professional and other healthcare staff. Emphasis will be placed on the key areas of policy and models of governance, risk management and safety, legal and ethical issues, evidence-based practice, quality and metrics and organisational culture and teamwork. This will help to develop an understanding of the dynamics of clinical governance in practice, at professional and organisational level, in a challenging setting that is demanding a consistently better quality of care in a more compassionate environment.

2) Health Policy and Public Involvement

This module outlines the major aspects of health policy, public health issues and public involvement. In relation to health policy, it will explore the definition, translation of political vision into action and the formulation and implementation of policy that is for the benefits of staff, patients, and the public and that is responsive, flexible and patient-centred. The economics of healthcare will be explored and workforce policies will be examined, as they impact on the overall delivery of healthcare policy and strategy. Aspects of public health will focus on how the public is encouraged to stay healthy and to make lifestyle choices that contribute to improving the health of the nation. All of this will be underpinned by the need for public involvement at all levels of the care process and will emphasise the impact of strong public involvement at strategic level.


All coursework of the programme will be conducted in English. The mode of assessment for each module is different from module to module but will be generally based on a 100% continuous assessment without examinations. Throughout the programme, students will be assessed by a combination of: 

  • Reports/Essays/Case Studies 
  • End of Unite Progress Tests 
  • Data Analysis Reports (Data Analysis for Business Decision-making Module) 
  • MBA Project 

For the MBA project, students will need to submit a management report of 15,000 words excluding reference list and bibliography. 


On successful completion and passing of all 8 modules totalling 180 credits, students will, depending on their selected pathway, be awarded one of the following, issued by the Edinburgh Napier University : Master of Business Administration (Health Management).

Students who withdraw from the programme, either through academic failure or voluntary withdrawal, will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate if they have completed 60 credits from modules 1-4 or a Postgraduate Diploma if they have completed 120 credits from modules 1-4 plus the 2 specialism modules. Granting of these intermediate awards is based on the discretion and policy of Edinburgh Napier University.


100% online with weekly online forums



What is the ranking of Edinburgh Napier University?


Edinburgh Napier University is ranked #92 in the Guardian UK University Guide 2024, #61 under the subject area of Business and Management in the Guardian UK University Guide 2024 and between 401 to 500 in the THE World University Ranking 2024.  

2. Will there be face-to-face classes?

There are no face-to-face classes as the programme is offered 100% online only. There is an online forum every week that students can attend to ask questions.


Are there any module exemptions for graduates of HKU SPACE Postgraduate Diploma Programmes?


The exemption policy follows ENU policy and the exemption of modules would be at the discretion of faculty and programme concerned, in accordance to the University Regulatory Framework. 

The Edinburgh Napier University  has agreed to grant 4 exemptions to graduates of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (‘Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations’, ‘Management and Organisational Change’, ‘Global Business Economics and Finance’ and ‘Leading Strategic Decision Making’). 

To be awarded the MBA, Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management graduates will need to complete 2 electives (based on the pathway selected), the data analysis module and the MBA project. 


What is the normal period of time to complete the MSc B&M programme?


The normal period of time is 21 months and the maximum duration is 33 months.


Is there a separate exam for each module?


 The mode of assessment for each module is different from module to module but will be generally based on a 100% continuous assessment without examinations. Throughout the programme, students will be assessed by a combination of:

  • Reports/Essays/Case Studies 
  • End of Unite Progress Tests 
  • Data Analysis Reports (Data Analysis for Business Decision-making Module) 
  • MBA Project

What is the required length of the capstone project?


For the MBA project, students will need to submit a management report of 15,000 words excluding reference list and bibliography. 

7. How much will graduates of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management need to pay for the MBA programme?
  Graduates of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management will have 4 core module exemptions and only need to pay instalment 2 to cover the 2 pathway modules, the Data Analysis for Business Decision-making module and the MBA project.
8. How many pathways are there for the MBA programme?

The MBA series has 10 programmes in total, each with 2 different pathway programmes.



Elective Modules


Master of Business Administration

(i)    Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management

(ii)   Managing Innovation


Master of Business Administration


(i)    Global Finance

(ii)   Financial Markets, Institutions and Banking


Master of Business Administration

(Events Management)

(i)    International Festival and Event Management

(ii)   International Business Event Management


Master of Business Administration


(i)    Global Finance

(ii)   Finance for Management Decision Making


Master of Business Administration

(Health Management)

(i)    Governance and Accountability in Healthcare

(ii)   Health Policy and Public Involvement


Master of Business Administration

(Hospitality and Tourism Management)

(i)    Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Management

(ii)   International Business Event Management


Master of Business Administration

(Human Resource Management)

(i)    Contemporary HRM

(ii)   HRM in International Context


Master of Business Administration (Information Systems Strategy and Governance)

(i)    Security Audit and Compliance

(ii)   Strategic Information Systems Management


Master of Business Administration (Leadership and Innovation)

(i)    Managing Innovation

(ii)   Leadership, Learning and Development


Master of Business Administration (Marketing)

(i)    Strategic Brand Management

(ii)   Global Marketing

Application Code 2265-MS166A Apply Online Now
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Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance

The School intends to apply for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.



Core Modules 



Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations 


Management and Organisational Change 


Global Business Economics and Finance


Leading Strategic Decision Making 


Data Analysis for Business Decision-making 


MBA Project 



Pathway Modules 



Governance and Accountability in Healthcare


Health Policy and Public Involvement


On successful completion and passing of all 8 modules totalling 180 credits, students will, depending on their selected pathway, be awarded one of the following, issued by the Edinburgh Napier University : Master of Business Administration (Health Management).

Students who withdraw from the programme, either through academic failure or voluntary withdrawal, will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate if they have completed 60 credits from modules 1-4 or a Postgraduate Diploma if they have completed 120 credits from modules 1-4 plus the 2 specialism modules. Granting of these intermediate awards is based on the discretion and policy of Edinburgh Napier University.

Student can take maximum 2 modules from module 1-6 per trimester. They can take module 7 in trimester 4 and after successful completion of previous 7 modules, they can progress to the MBA project. (the MBA project can be completed over one or two trimesters). Subject to students’ pace of study and module availability, it typically takes 21-33 months to complete all 8 modules. 

  • 100% online with weekly online forums


Application Fee

HK$200 HK$200 (non-refundable) as initial handling fee

Course Fee
  • Course Fee
    Total fees: HK$92,000, paid in 8 instalments.
    Instalment 1: HK$10,000
    Instalment 2: HK$10,000
    Instalment 3: HK$10,000
    Instalment 4: HK$10,000
    Instalment 5: HK$10,000
    Instalment 6: HK$10,000
    Instalment 7: HK$10,000
    Instalment 8: HK$22,000
    (all fees are subject to change without prior notice)
    *Students will be required to cover the additional cost incurred due to resubmission of coursework, retaking a module or resubmitting the dissertation.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have: 

(a) a bachelor’s degree, awarded by a recognised institution, of at least second-class honours; OR 

(b) a professional qualification recognised as equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. 

If the degree or equivalent qualification is from an institution where the language of teaching and assessment is not English, applicants shall provide evidence of English proficiency, such as:  

i. an overall band of 6.5 or above in the IELTS (with minimum component scores of 5.5 in all four components: listening, reading, speaking and writing); or 

ii. an overall score of 90 or above in the TOEFL iBT; or 

iii. HKDSE Examination English Language at Level 4 or above; or 

iv. HKALE Use of English at Grade C or above; or 

v. equivalent qualifications. 

Applicants of other qualifications and relevant experience will be considered on an individual basis. 


Online Application Apply Now

Application Form Download Application Form

Enrolment Method
Payment Method
1. Cash, EPS, WeChat Pay Or Alipay

Course fees can be paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres.

2. Cheque Or Bank draft

Course fees can also be paid by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “HKU SPACE”. Please specify the programme title(s) for application and applicant’s name. You may either:

  • bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate course or application fees in the form of a cheque, and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres;
  • or mail the above documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, specifying “Course Application” on the envelope. HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of personal information and payment sent by mail.
3. VISA/Mastercard

Applicants may also pay the course fee by VISA or Mastercard, including the “HKU SPACE Mastercard”, at any HKU SPACE enrolment centres. Holders of the HKU SPACE Mastercard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000; however, the course applicant must also be the cardholder himself/herself. For enquiries, please contact our staff at any enrolment centres.

4. Online Payment

Online application / enrolment is offered for most open admission courses (enrolled on first come, first served basis) and selected award-bearing programmes. Application fees and course fees of these programmes/courses can be settled by using "PPS by Internet" (not available via mobile phones), VISA or Mastercard. In addition to the aforesaid online payment channels, new and continuing students of award-bearing programmes with available online service, they may also pay their course fees by Online WeChat Pay, Online Alipay or Faster Payment System (FPS). Please refer to Enrolment Methods - Online Enrolment  for details.


  • If the programme/course is starting within five working days, application by post is not recommended to avoid any delays. Applicants are advised to enrol in person at HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres and avoid making cheque payment under this circumstance.

  • Fees paid are not refundable except under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment), subject to the School’s discretion. In exceptional cases where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, cheque, FPS or PPS by Internet will be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will be reimbursed to the credit card account used for payment. 

  • In addition to the published fees, there may be additional costs associated with individual programmes. Please refer to the relevant course brochures or direct any enquiries to the relevant programme team for details.
  • Fees and places on courses cannot be transferrable from one applicant to another. Once accepted onto a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on each approved transfer.
  • HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of payment, receipt, or personal information sent by mail.
  • For payment certification, please submit a completed form, a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to “HKU SPACE” to any of our enrolment centres.

Partner Details


The collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and HKU SPACE has a long history and spans over 50 years. The partnership between two institutions has developed since the 1970s.  Both institutions share the strategic visions of internationalisation and they jointly offered academic programmes in different disciplines over the past four decades. ENU has become the HKU SPACE’s Strategic International Partner since June 2017.  

ENU has 12 collaborative programmes with HKU SPACE. Six of them are with the College of Business and Finance. All programmes have been well received by the Hong Kong students with more than 500 registered students studying full-time and part-time of these programmes. 

Edinburgh Napier University is ranked #92 in the Guardian UK University Guide 2024, #61 under the subject area of Business and Management in the Guardian UK University Guide 2024 and between 401 to 500 in the THE World University Ranking 2024.