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Hong Kong is situated at the centre of Asia, a strategic location for international logistics and trade.  The logistics and transport industries are therefore vital to Hong Kong’s success.  Trade and business cannot excel without efficient supply chain management.  HKU SPACE has been offering logistics, transport, maritime, aviation and supply chain management programmes for more than 30 years to facilitate those interested to acquire the necessary vocational and professional knowledge and qualification to join or further develop in this industry.  The programmes offered in these disciplines range from certificate, diploma, bachelor, and master degree level and most of these receive professional accreditation from The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.  Graduates of the Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management are fully exempted from the educational requirements for Chartered Membership (CMILT).  This makes studying this programme as one of the most popular routes to acquire this professional qualification.

The Centre is headed by Professor Dorothy Chan, Hon FCILT who is well connected with the industry and served as the International President of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in 2012-2013. She received the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government for her meritorious service in transport. Also, Mr. Leung Kong Yui, Associate Head is the former President of the Hong Kong Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Our supply chain and logistics programmes are managed by Mr Jonathan Ho, Associate Head of College of Business and Finance.

Our programmes are supported by Serco Group (HK) Limited and SynCab which offers summer placement for full-time students and sponsorships for talks and small-scale studies on topical issues on transport and logistics.

The programme “Bachelor of Aviation Management”, in collaboration with the Swinburne University of Technology from Australia, aims to produce graduates who seek to play a key role in bringing changes to the aviation industry.  Students gain insight into how airlines and airports operate to prepare them for management roles in the aviation industry.  Students gain a sound professional understanding of the aviation industry and its associated environment, as well as skills in organizational, regulatory, safety, technical as well as business management. 
Start 01 SEP 2025 (MON)
Duration 18 months to 36 months
This programme is in collaboration with the University of Plymouth, UK, and you’ll study a range of topics affecting the global supply chain industry and develop management skills it demands. Deepening your understanding of international supply chain and shipping management, you’ll be engaged with environmental and ethical debates, technological developments and government legislation, all of which impacts a manager’s responsibilities and decisions. Many graduates are presently employed in global logistical businesses. 
Start 28 MAR 2025 (FRI)
Duration 1.5 years
Fee HK$110,250 per programme (in 3 instalments, all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
This programme is in collaboration with the University of Plymouth, UK, and you’ll be introduced to key elements of national maritime policies, governance and operations around port and transport activities, international logistics and developments in these areas – all within the context of globalisation and for better understanding of developments of ports and terminals. It's practically designed for those who are interested or working in shipping, maritime-related and logistics industry. 
Start 28 MAR 2025 (FRI)
Duration 1.5 years
Fee HK$110,250 per programme (in 3 instalments, all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
This programme is in collaboration with the Plymouth University, UK. It aims to develop your understanding of current management issues through contemporary case studies, government legislation and philosophical, ethical and environmental debates. You’ll increase your knowledge of issues in the global supply chain involving logistics, customer service and transportation, and undertake a research module introducing you to the research process and sources of data used in international logistics. It is practically designed for those who are interested in or working in the logistics industry, and many of its graduates are presently employed in global shipping and logistical businesses.
Start To be advised
Duration 1.5 years to 5 years
This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills about the latest trends in digitalisation and new technology with a focus on the impacts in logistics industry. Students will acquire basic knowledge and practical skills for exploring alternative digital solutions to boost operational efficiency in logistics organisations. 
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,000
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
开课日期 2025年4月14日 (星期一)
修业期 24个月至72个月
课程费用 HK$6500
The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the business environment in logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities and make sensible decisions in business logistics management.
Start 17 APR 2025 (THU)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the business environment, especially the latest trend of e-business, in China logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities in China e-Commerce market and make sensible decisions in business logistics management.
Start 17 APR 2025 (THU)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the latest business environment in logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities and make sensible decisions in procurement management.
Start 17 APR 2025 (THU)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)


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