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学习俄语的 5 大理由

1) 广泛使用的语言

学习俄语将使您能够与全球超过 2.5 亿人进行交流。 此外,就地理而言,俄语将为您打开文化探索的大门 - 不仅在俄罗斯,更在白俄罗斯、哈萨克、亚美尼亚、立陶宛等国。

2) 通往艺术与文学的门户

俄罗斯拥有世界上一些最优秀的艺术传统,如芭蕾舞、戏剧、文学和音乐; 学习俄语还可以让您直接接触玛丽娜·茨维塔耶娃、弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫和列夫·托尔斯泰等著名作家创作的大量小说、诗歌和戏剧。

3) 旅游必备的工具


4) 丰富的建筑与饮食历史


5) 俄羅斯的经济发展 

根据国际货币基金组织 (IMF)的预计,2024 年俄罗斯经济将增长 3.2%,明显高于许多西方的已发展经济体。此外,俄罗斯也是能源超级大国,拥有全球约40%的天然气,以及大量的出口石油和铀。


This is a course for people who have never studied Russian. The focus is on speaking and the atmosphere is relaxed. Participants will be given a first taste of the language and they learn some essential words and phrases to greet people, ask about nationality, count and order food and drink. They will also begin to learn the Russian alphabet. The course is not exam-based.
Start 29 APR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,750
This course is aimed primarily at participants who have taken Beginners' Russian. It continues to be a communicative course with a focus on the practical skills of listening and speaking. Participants will also increase their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation so that they feel more confident when communicating in Russian. Practice continues to be with simple real-life situations, working in pairs and small groups to encourage plenty of listening and speaking practice. The language of instruction will be Russian with some English where appropriate for explanation.
Start 28 APR 2025 (MON)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,750
This course follows on from Beginners' Russian 2. The focus continues to focus on real-life communication with students working in pairs and small groups to encourage plenty of listening and speaking practice. Participants will consolidate and build on what they have learned in Part 2, developing vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, as well as writing short phrases and sentences in Russian.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,150
本网上课程为对俄罗斯语及俄国文化感兴趣的初学者、或有意俄罗斯旅游的人士而设,除发音和基本语法外,课程著重旅游用语和口语交流。部份主题包括自我介绍、数字、时间、问路、外出用餐、购物、预订饭店房间和处理沟通问题等。学生将以互动轻松的方式练习俄罗斯文,并同时了解更多关於俄罗斯的文化。本课程通过网上 Zoom的课堂模式进行。
开课日期 2025年4月23日 (星期三)
修业期 15个星期
课程费用 HK$3,650


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